Breadcrumbs 2022



All human stages, all human endeavors, all human theatrics, no matter the time, no matter the place,

Be they scientific, mathematical, architectural, martial, philosophical, religious, mystical,

Commercial, engineering, manufacturing, craftsmanship, competitive, domestic,

Cultural, artistic, musical, dance, or literature in all its abundant arrays,

Have as their origin, the ever-enticing filament of imagination.

The entire human paradigm is its unrelenting handiwork.

The only freedom, for those rare few who seek it,

Is a mind given over to absolute awareness,

A mind given over to the tranquility of no-mind,

A mind given over to the equanimity of an eternal life.


* * * *

The unifying principal is not some word, some equation, some symbol, some sound, some anything.

It is You, You alone, this one-and-only timeless moment, that has ever been, will ever be.

It is the You that is the unadulterated awareness, the tabula rasa, the perpetuity,

The omniscient-omnipotent-omnipresent eternity within and without all.


* * * *

For extra-terrestrials to reach our doorstep, however they might make their way across the vast expanses,

Would require that the ineffable mystery, somehow craft like evolutions on other garden worlds.

The number-crunchers fill their time with every sort of calculation of such possibilities,

But the actuality of such, has thus far never come to pass in any scientifically observable way.

Meanwhile, storytellers in this garden, are cauldrons, fueling imagination’s every imaginable whimsy.


* * * *

True science does no harm.

We would not understand as much,
We would not have all the luxuries and toys,

But at least we might still be wandering in the garden.

Assuming, of course, we ceased breeding so much, so absurdly.

But is it possible for any cancer to stop before it kills its host and benefactor?

In the race for survival, who do you think is going win?

Hint: The garden always wins.


* * * *

For the up and coming, saturated in every conceivable technology,

Intelligence, wit, cunning, ingenuity, shrewdness, talent, skill, adeptness,

Are going to be far less the issue, than entitlement and work ethic and slothfulness.

Believing one deserves it all, without having to trudge through the sludge,

Has more than likely never been a successful survival strategy.

Darwin and Malthus are shaking their dusty heads.


* * * *

Can the currents of quantum ever cease?

Can the universe ever collapse back into nothing?

Are questions philosopher-mystic-seers might contemplate,

And perhaps a collection of scientific and engineering sorts, as well.


* * * *

A Short List of Modern Entitlements

(Not necessarily in order of importance)


Food and drink


Running water

Septic systems

Garbage collection

Retirement homes


Social security





Building codes


Weights and measures








Air conditioning


Air filtration

Financial systems




Military services

Police services

Fire services

Health services








Jails and prisons

Bars and nightclubs

Coffee shops

Service organizations

Religious organizations




Mobile phones




Touch screens




Online banking

Online gaming






Showers and bathtubs

Roads and freeway


Stop lights


Retail outlets



Public transport

Water drainage





Building codes

Building materials






Rule of Law

Monetary system








Office supplies

Toilets and urinals

Kitchen utensils


And who knows how long a more detailed list would be?


* * * *

Do the engineering.

Do the architecture.

Do the language.

Do the science.

Do the math.

Do the art.

Do the music.

Do the history.

Do the athletics.

Do the humanities.

Do the good, the bad.

Do whatever you please,

The same mystery is in all.


* * * *

Some may truly believe they can rhetorically, pretentiously, irreverently, debate the sciences,

But they cannot debate the quantum physics upon which true science is founded,

Upon which the indivisible nature is codified in every particle,

Across all whatever this mystery is, and is not.

The true law is not man-made, and those who violate true law –

Or their progeny, their tribe, their world, their cosmos – will suffer the consequences.


* * * *

Science has had quite a long slog wandering the helter-skelter of absurdity,

Of ignorance and superstition and tradition, bound together in imaginary minds.


* * * *

Yes, even though it is very astute, very exacting, very prolific,

And more spot-on accurate, than imagination has heretofore managed,

Even science, in all its illusion-bound glory, is ultimately just more babble-on.


* * * *

Science must eventually fall on its sword,

Because it can only explore the kaleidoscoping quantum illusion.

The mystery, that which pervades all, that which is prior and beyond, is the realm of philosophy.

And even philosophers, must eventually still their loquacious intellects,

If they discern the wit and will to abandon all absurdity,

And melt into the timeless awareness.


* * * *

Is there really, truly, anything that you have ever witnessed,

That cannot be explained through lucid, rational, scientific thinking?

A serious question, that does not align, in any way, with the underlying reality,

That this whole dreamtime mystery theater, is as irrational and absurd and astounding,

And ineffable, beyond any speculation, that any illusionary-delusionary mind, has ever babbled.


* * * *

Science’s Big Bang Theory is about as meaningful for the layperson,

As any creation mythology is, from any tradition, from any time, from any geography.

All those who claim to know what this unfathomable mystery is about, are all only pretenders pretending.

The mystery is a mystery is a mystery is a mystery, and will forever remain a mystery,

In any and all forever-mores, that will ever be, forever more-ing.


* * * *

It is all illusion, it is all imaginary, and every variety of delusion carries many a mind to far distant shores.

All the measurements, all the observations, all the calculations, all the designs,

Are ultimately really nothing more than trivial pursuit.

All minds churn and churn,

And some minds crave more than sports and soap operas.

Ergo, science, mathematics, engineering, architecture, economics, philosophy, ad infinitum.


* * * *

Science becomes as meaningless as any superstitious, mythological narrative,

Once you look for your Self, and discern the imaginary context of all perspectives.


* * * *

Perhaps all the bacteria in that Petri dish, is carrying on just like us.

Perhaps we are being watched through a microscope by a scientist in some laboratory,

In the next turtle up universe in the turtles-up-turtles-down of more universes than numbers have access.

Unleash your mind upon the near-infinity of possibilities, if you have the wit and inclination.


* * * *

How is it that this world, this cosmos, is not already beyond-all-pales magical,

Without so many glossing it over with every variety of superstition and fantasy?

How is it that a scientific approach has not entirely abolished all fallacious claims,

With a vision so much more expansive, than any parts can but begin to imagine?


* * * *

Reality is only as real as you imagine it.

Space is only as real as you imagine it.

Time is only as real as you imagine it.

History is only as real as you imagine it.

Science is only as real as you imagine it.

Mathematics is only as real as you imagine it.

Music is only as real as you imagine it.

Art is only as real as you imagine it.

Philosophy is only as real as you imagine it.

Industry is only as real as you imagine it.

Technology is only as real as you imagine it.

Architecture is only as real as you imagine it.

Existence is only as real as you imagine it.

Stuff is only as real as you imagine it.

Other is only as real as you imagine it.

Nature is only as real as you imagine it.

Gaia is only as real as you imagine it.

Genesis is only as real as you imagine it.

Dreamtime is only as real as you imagine it.

Everything is only as real as you imagine it.

God is only as real as you imagine it.

Awareness is only as real as you imagine it.

Self is only as real as you imagine it.

You are only as real as you imagine it.


* * * *

How boggling that the human species,

Despite all the science, despite all the technology,

Still imagines itself in any way separate from the mystery it is.


* * * *

To lionize the sciences unconditionally,

Is to underplay its partnership with vanity and greed.

At what point does the point of diminishing returns become obvious?

Kind of like demolishing your house, and counting and measuring all the splinters.


* * * *

The sciences, the mathematics, the technologies, and all the other intellectual pursuits,

Have investigated anything and everything to unimaginable heights and depths,

But there is a point of diminishing returns we have long since surpassed.

When will we finally discern the meaninglessness, the absurdity,

Of the infinity of zeros on either side of the decimal point?


* * * *

Whether words are scientific or philosophical,

None have any influence over truth, any control of truth.

It is only vanity that stokes any arguments about the way it is, and is not.


* * * *

What an amazing thing, imagination,

That it can devise industry and technology to such a degree.

What would it do, were it to have unlimited resources and a wormhole garbage disposal?


* * * *

Scientists will likely whirl and twirl with the mystery for the rest of time,

But they will always end up at the same impenetrable dead end,

As mystics, across all times, across all geographies.

The mystery will ever remain a mystery.

All any can ever do, is be it.


* * * *

The world only appears flat because it is large enough to disguise, to camouflage, its spherical reality.

Science has used industry and technology to look, to explore, beyond anything the senses can sense.

Science-deniers daily prove that intelligence is not a given when it comes to being a human being.


* * * *

What can anyone really know of the so many unanswerable questions?

Science has examined everything to the nth degree, and still they remain inscrutable.

Every moment is the exact same mystery it has always been, the exact same mystery it will ever be.

Anyone enticing you with some esoteric morsel is talking through their hat.

Best check your wallet as you quickly back away.


* * * *

On either side of the decimal, the ultimate truth of science,

Is always just one more zero past the far distant shores.


* * * *

Science does not have the will, the mojo, the power, to displace superstition with rationality.

It requires too much exertion for minds not bent towards critical thinking and wisdom.

So, irrationality and absurdity and insanity still rule great portions of the planet,

Lock-stepping to the genomic sequencing evolved in the jungles of long ago.


* * * *

Where would humankind be without all the scientists, all the engineers,

All the mathematicians, all the inventors, all the architects, all the tradesmen,

Who have all together designed and built and repaired this world of entitlement?

This garden orb of exponentially accelerating absurdity that we all so take for granted.

Being top-dog-kings-of-the-dust ball will not mean much if there is no world left

To blithely, foolishly, with little hesitation, abuse and neglect and destroy.

So, thank those engineers and all their compatriots for their service,

And prepare for the reality, that what goes up, will come down.


* * * *

Whether your view is founded on scientific inquiry or magical thinking,

You may well believe you know something of this dreamtime’s beginning,

But rest assured, you will never, you can never, more than imagine its ending.


* * * *

If there is indeed a deity-on-high, he/she/it,

Might well have long, long ago set all this quantum in motion,

And just like any earnest scientist, is watching the entire dream, to see what comes of it.

No attachment to anything, just pure tabula rasa awareness of everything.

Just like any earnest scientist observing microorganisms

Milling about willy-nilly in a Petri dish.

Ain’t speculation fun?


* * * *

A virtuous, pragmatic, wisdom-based approach to science,

Would not have manipulated and destroyed the world and all its creatures,

For the mere procurement of knowledge for knowledge’s sake,

Riches for rich’s sake, pleasure for pleasure’s sake,

Or possessions for possession’s sake.


* * * *

Somebody came up with eight types of intelligence:

bodily kinesthetic (body smart)

interpersonal (people smart)

verbal linguistic (word smart)

logical-mathematical (logic smart)

naturalistic (nature smart)

intrapersonal (self smart)

visual-spatial (picture smart)

musical (music smart)


Another collection also lists eight, with slight variations:

mathematical (number smart),

musical (music smart),

linguistic (word smart),

naturalistic (nature smart),

intrapersonal (self smart),

interpersonal (people smart),

body-kinesthetic (body smart),

visual (picture smart)


Another fellow, named Mark Vital, stoked it up to nine:

naturalist (understanding living things and reading nature)

musical (discerning sounds, their pitch, tone, rhythm, and timbre)

logical-mathematical (quantifying things, making hypothesis and proving them)

existential (tackling the questions of why we live, and why we die)

interpersonal (sensing people’s feelings and motives)

bodily-kinesthetic (coordinating your mind with your body)

linguistic (finding the right words to express what you mean)

intrapersonal (understanding yourself, what you feel, and what you want)

spatial (visualizing the world in 3D)


Likely many, if not most, fall into at least one of the above categories.


And what sort of intelligence is required to be any other life form, any other earthling,

On this spinning rock some humans call Earth, in a cosmos some call the Universe?


* * * *

From the deepest trenches to the highest reaches that industry and technology are capable,

Another day of poisoning, another day of maiming, all that we can possibly touch,

Using every form of nuclear-chemical-biological interaction imaginable.

Absolute madness and absurdity, on an unfathomable scale.

All innocence suffers the ruthless, brutal wake-up call,

Of the malignant cancer that has spawned upon this garden orb.


* * * *

Where would any scientific experiment be without the first question?

Where would any philosophical inquiry be without the first question?

Where would any religious dogma be without the ten-percent tithing?


* * * *

History, history, history … science, science, science … inventors, inventors, inventors …

That’s all we need: more researchers, more scientists, more engineers, more of everything,

Ceaselessly smothering us with more of what got us into this fine mess in the first place.





True science does no harm.


* * * *

Technology is not going to solve the problem it in large part created.


* * * *

All science and mathematics are really doing is measuring illusion.


* * * *

Call it whatever religious or scientific name you will, all were born of the womb of nothingness.


* * * *

What creature is not a guinea pig for science?


* * * *

Science marches on, over the hearts and minds of countless lab rats, of the two-legged variety.


* * * *

Science has finally proven what philosopher-mystic-seers long ago sorted.


* * * *

Science is a story, too, and so are all its other ivory tower cronies.


* * * *

Science is a tune to which too few listen.


* * * *

Science has proven what meditation could only intuit.


* * * *

That is a question for an as yet un-invented technology.


* * * *

Philosophy goes where science cannot.


* * * *

Could it be, the mystery is really just an eccentric scientist of the Hollywood fiction genre?


* * * *

Science ever seeks the truth of the quantum illusion; beyond the veil, there is no knowing.


* * * *

The march of science is replete with dead and crippled guinea pigs.


* * * *

What better way to serve mankind than to be a guinea pig for science.


* * * *

Science is a never-ending, many-shades-of-gray endeavor.


* * * *

Science has a hard time competing with witlessness.


* * * *

The soul of science is an easy target for corruption.





This entire adult life has been spent observing, imbibing, exploring, inquiring, whatever came to the door;

To very gradually, very unpretentiously, very unintentionally, very scientifically,

With great naïveté, wander into this eternal conclusion.

It is as honest as honest can be.


* * * *

I enjoy science and all the other intellectual pursuits as much as the next Joe Everyman,

But there is a point of diminishing returns we have long since passed.

When will we finally see the meaninglessness

Of the infinity of zeros on either side of the decimal point?


* * * *

The eternal philosopher, historian, anthropologist, scientist, mathematician,

And any other academic arenas this mind was drawn to reconnoiter,

All together, pervade the ever-expanding frame of reference.

So full, so empty, an imaginary destiny plays out.