What has science become but the cataloging of unending, mind-numbing minutia.
How far can it go before all its technologies finally leave it with nothing to grasp.
* * * *
The scientists have all their hypotheses and theories.
The mathematicians have all their definitions, axioms, theorems, and proofs.
The philosophers have all their rational arguments, and the meditators have all their zafus and walls,
And all, in the final analysis, find themselves roaming about the same diddly-squat.
* * * *
What many do not seem to grasp about the evolution of medicine
Is that participating in any medical procedure, taking any medication,
Means they are essentially participating in the ongoing research as lab rats.
That the outcome contributes to the never-ending statistical progression of science.
And comprehend it or not, like it or not, not participating the experiment,
Is, in its own contrary way, also contributing to the experiment.
* * * *
Despite all the zeroes to which scientists and engineers subscribe,
Only illusions that quantum allows to be measured are measurable.
* * * *
Science allows much greater breadth and depth than any other belief system,
And in its purest methodology, has no creed, no dogma, but never-ending investigation.
To settle for less is to settle for the ceaseless inanities of endless delusions
Harbored by those incapable of embracing the gray.
* * * *
How can a dream, as tangible, as substantial as it may seem, ever be measured?
Even science, incisive as it for all practical purposes appears to be,
Is ultimately little more than another fallacious creed.
The mystery is the mystery is the mystery,
Eternally inscrutable,
No matter how penetrating the mind.
* * * *
Does not the study of physics and all the other sciences
Make it more than obvious what you truly are, and are not?
* * * *
Politicized science is not bona fide science,
And true science that is not heeded,
Is but an empty paycheck.
* * * *
Science is the investigation of anything and everything
To whatever degree mind and technology allow.
It is a never-ending process with an ever-expanding scope.
The challenge for any given scientist is to keep the pie whole all the while.
* * * *
One experiment determines one thing,
Another concludes something entirely different.
Sometimes it takes scientists awhile to fathom the details,
Which causes no end of vexation to those seeking simple answers.
* * * *
More science.
Even more science.
Science is only as clear as the mind wielding the technology.
* * * *
What has science become but the cataloging of unending minutia.
* * * *
True science has no agenda but truth.
* * * *
The joy of science is making black and white, gray, and gray, black and white.
* * * *
Science, more science, even more science.
The ultimate vision a scientific mind has to offer.