Breadcrumbs 2015


 The scientific mind is ever observing,

Ever exploring everything in every way imaginable.

True science transcends all boundaries.


* * * *

What is an orgasm but the mind’s most innate high,

A very present, very pleasurable detonation in the timeless now.

A disintegration, a dissolution, of any sense of self, of any sense of separation.

Is it any wonder our species gallops the edge of obsession about everything to do with it?

Sexuality is the wellspring, the underlying force, the fulcrum of human history.

Power, renown, prosperity, the creativity of art, science, technology,

All have come about as aphrodisiacs to its gratification.

And all of it the evolutionary outcome

Of the genomic ambition to abide evermore.


* * * *

Science and technology stand on the shoulders of all those who have come before.

Turtles all the way down, and all the way up, too, for as long as the dream plays out.


* * * *

A question for the scientist who harbors in any inquisitive mind,

Has a hypothesis to spare, and inclination for observation within and without:

Is creativity, is consciousness, enhanced by oxygen deprivation

Born of the many tensions born of suffering?

Is something so simple root cause to so much passion?


* * * *

What is any authentic scientist but one who feels beckoned

To explore his fleeting patch of dreamtime to an nth degree.


* * * *

Scientific objectivity is flushed down the drain

When funding dictates a self-serving outcome.


* * * *

If this indivisible mystery is indeed formless, boundlessly infinite,

What are all the scientists, mathematicians, linguists,

And other conspirators of the mind to do?


* * * *

There is a limit to all the finite pretenses of knowledge.

The unknowable must forever remain unknown.

Science, despite all its heady determination,

Can only claw away so much at the quantum mist.


* * * *

Pure observation without measurement, pure awareness without movement,

Without ripple, without wake, without time, without space,

Is not that the highest form of science?

Is not that the way to discern the reality of the eternal

Within and without the within and without that has never really existed?


* * * *

Desire and fear have been dynamic, intertwined forces in the human spectacle.

What is it to be without desire, without fear, and is the mind even capable of it?

Needs research; every scientist his/her own experiment, his/her own laboratory.


* * * *

What is always ironically droll is how the scientists measure,

And measure and measure, again and again, and nothing really changes.

What futility to believe our egocentric genus will ever evolve beyond its paradigm.

Imagine the vast collection of books and videos and photos and graphs and … and … and ...

That the aliens will discover in the scar tissue of this garden when they finally arrive.

Or maybe they already are here, watching us play out our narcissistic game.


* * * *

It is hard to fathom that rational scientific method does not reign across the board,

That superstition, mythology, make-believe, idolatry, dogma, fanaticism,

Still have such an enduring foothold in the human psyche.


* * * *

This dreamtime offers any educated mind incalculable ways to discern, to filter, this quantum theater.

Historian, scientist, mathematician, philosopher, anthropologist, sociologist, psychologist,

And on and on and on for minds born with the grit and gumption to learn.


* * * *

Everyone would do well to challenge, to confront, their imaginary deities,

Their superstitions, their fallacies, their delusions, and whatever other dreads,

At least once and awhile to find out if anything noteworthy really happens.

Take a scientific approach rather than be some meme-ridden puppet.


* * * *

You must investigate existence for your Self.

All the words in the cosmos will not magic-carpet you there.

It is a scientific experiment that must be replicated by all, very much alone.


* * * *

Were the so-called seers and mystics and prophets in ancient times and places, early scientists?

Or merely charlatans taking advantage of fearful, gullible flocks for their own ends?

Any answers are but assertions of one unverifiable speculation or another,

But of the muddled, tangled histories played out since, we can be much more sure.


* * * *

What is it little old you discerns in this theater into which you have without choice been cast?

Without all the countless devices we toolmakers have devised to measure our universe,

Without all the sciences, without all the mathematics, without all the technologies,

Without all the things the monkey-mind will do to quantify to the nth degree,

What is it you for your Self alone intuit, you for your Self alone deduct,

What is it you for your Self, without any influence from any other,

Discern real and true in this immeasurable enigma beyond all pales?


* * * *

The mystery is prior to all thought, prior to all knowledge, prior to all emotion, prior to all passion,

Prior to all language, all science, all math, all music, all everything ignited by consciousness.

It is the primal awareness from which the unknowable bursts into timeless creation.


* * * *

Trust your Self.

Trust your own mind.

Trust your own awareness.

Trust your own perception.

Trust your own intuition.

Find your own way,

You, scientist.


* * * *

If those who advocate rationalism are earnestly rational, earnestly scientific, earnestly detached,

They will not approach any investigation with assumption or emotion or arrogance.

In other words, they will not be as irrational, as illogical, as passionate,

As those they so often astutely and smugly and vainly judge.

Otherwise, it is just the same old monkey-mind

On yet another rose-colored day.


* * * *

Science and politics are mutually-exclusive dynamics.

To politicize science is an absolute absurdity foisted

By blatant obfuscation of its point and purpose. 


* * * * 

Just because some scientist, some mathematician, some engineer,

Has not figured out a way to measure something

Does not mean it is not there.


* * * *

Science is a meticulous, disciplined means

To examine anything and everything very closely.

It is not a religion, it is not an authority, it is not absolute.


* * * *

The sciences have a sizable array of tools to explore the mystery,

But ultimately are only as discerning as the mind

In which the data is pondered.


* * * *

To think critically is to accept nothing at face value.

It is a scientific mindset that examines anything and everything,

To whatever degree insight and aptitude and technology and nuance allow.


* * * *

Why should you, would you, ever blindly believe what you cannot discern for your Self?

Why accept another’s assertion if no convincing, tangible evidence is available?

You, scientist, have the right, the obligation, to explore any hypothesis,

Without unwarranted pressure from any individual or group.


* * * *

The many branches of science, whether natural or social,

Are all founded on the study of the nothingness of stardust.


* * * *

A mind slathered in superstition is a mind born of groundless, irrational, illogical dread.

The scientific mind is a courageous mind bent on rational investigation

As far as the theater of quantum mind and body allow.


* * * *

Humankind is the alien species on this spinning world,

Acting out as terrifying a Twilight Zone screenplay

As any science fiction writer could ever conceive.

Pity all the beasts who have suffered our rise.


* * * *

Science can never measure more than the kaleidoscoping veil of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The immeasurable is immeasurable, no matter how intricate the veneer technology might weave.


* * * *

Scientists are explorers of the mysterious unknown, of the perpetual enigma,

Using ever-evolving technology to fathom beyond the limits of the sensory panorama,

Yet restricted all the while, by the conditioned mind through which they perceive,

Through which they futilely measure but a veil of that which is immeasurable.


* * * *

Despite its innumerable strengths in the quest for ultimate truths,

The scientific mind is ever-hampered by its own mortal limitations.





It is the nature of science to inquire into everything for as long as everything is.


* * * *

What we call regular life is really science fiction of the first order.


* * * *

Why should you ever blindly accept anything you cannot for your Self scientifically verify?


* * * *

What certainty can science ever attain in an infinity of variables?


* * * *

The limits of science are the limits of mind.


* * * *

A well-rounded, science-based, agnostic education makes for intellectual sobriety.


* * * *

Scientific objectivity is flushed down the drain when funding dictates a self-serving outcome.


* * * *

The scientific mind is ever-watchful, prone to questions without conclusion.


* * * *

Yet another statistic in science’s long and endless trudge into oblivion.


* * * *

Allowing funding to politicize science, well, that is just plain wrong from any get-go.


* * * *

Scientist that you every moment are, you are first and foremost your own experiment.


* * * *

The limits of science are the certainties of its hypotheses and the absolutes of its theories.


* * * *

Propaganda is not a function of science.


* * * *

Science is ultimately nothing more than the observation and measurement of illusion.


* * * *

The scientific mind is a mind exploring reality for its Self.


* * * *

Where is science when there is nothing to observe, when there is nothing to measure?


* * * *

No matter how resolute, science is ultimately limited by the doors of human perception.





I do not say there are not ghosts or aliens or dragons or elves or dwarves or vampires

Or sasquatches or unicorns or tooth fairies or angels or whatever or whatever,

But I must discern them with my own eyes, my own ears, my own mind,

Or the minds of others, who I perceive harbor a taste for truth.

I am too much of a scientist, too much of an agnostic,

To accept anything that cannot be verified.


* * * *

I am every filter the capacities and limitations of this mind will allow into its frame of reference:

Philosopher, scientist, historian, anthropologist, psychologist, sociologist,

Politician, warrior, and on and on the list daily grows.


* * * *

We cannot all be rocket scientists.

Most of us are plebian in our exertions.

I, for one, was a tolerably adept forklift driver,

And could occasionally let fly a pitiless water balloon,

Long before the body and mind gave way to time.



Possible Last Words & Epitaphs


Better here than a lab rat for science



Standout Duplicates from “The Return to Wonder”


Chapter One


You must cultivate the discerning, disciplined scrutiny of the scientific mind

To discover the original nature that abides within all dreams great to small.


Chapter Five


Discerning this is very much a scientific exploration.

You will find the results duplicate the many experiments

Throughout humanity's evolution in consciousness.


Chapter Eight


Many a scientist has through microscope and telescope discovered

What seers across time and space intuited long before history's origin.


Chapter Fourteen


The complexities of science are ever in the eye of the beholder.


Chapter Fifteen


Science as so many discern it is the ultimate expression of dualistic notion.


* * * *

If you understand science and its methodology,

You know it has been proven beyond all doubt that all is one,

And that you are an equal part of that oneness,

Witness to its eternal mystery.


Chapter Sixteen


Quantum is the scientific name for God.



Leftovers Added to “The Return to Wonder”


(Transferred to fill out the diminished ten-page blocks during

the very gradual edit underway since September 2015)


Chapter Fourteen


If something is true, it can be verified by many eyes.

Subjective assertions are not the harbor of science.



Leftovers and Soundbites

Transferred to “The Return to Wonder”

from “Breadcrumbs 2019” and All Future Times Beyond


Chapter 252


True science is not a political subject.


* * * *

You, scientist.


Chapter 258


True science is an unblinking, unwavering, unallied eye.


* * * *

What true scientist is not also a philosopher?


Chapter 260


Science is only as potent as eye and technology allow.


Chapter 269


Science is only as clear as the mind wielding the technology.


Chapter 270


What has science become but the cataloging of unending minutia.


Chapter 275


True science has no agenda but truth.



Leftovers and Soundbites Transferred

to “The Return to Wonder” from “Breadcrumbs 2018”


Chapter 283


Objectivity is a myth to which science subscribes, but can never grasp.



You, Scientist


Trust your Self.

Trust your own mind.

Trust your own awareness.

Trust your own perception.

Trust your own intuition.

Find your own way,

You, scientist.


Breadcrumbs 2015